Water is considered one of the most critical resources on earth and none of the living beings – human beings, animals, plants, etc. can survive without water. 70{474af70146c1f6002b988d24acd7c8940d7f2df6113d820e43b8331cc49c1233} of our body is composed of water and according to The USGS Water Science School, 71{474af70146c1f6002b988d24acd7c8940d7f2df6113d820e43b8331cc49c1233} of the earth is water. The bad part is that with each passing day, the drinking water coming from the taps in our homes is becoming more & more contaminated and is no longer considered safe for direct consumption. Much of this can be attributed to the rapid industrialization and urbanization that is making the water impure. Though this is a worrying situation, people can make use of water filter or water purifier (either UV water purifier or RO water purifier) to ensure that they consume pure & safe drinking water.
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Today we have a look at the top reasons …