What Is Neuropathy
Neuropathy is a condition that interferes with the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Neuropathy is also known as peripheral neuropathy as well. If an individual is suffering from some type of neuropathy disorder such as meningitis or spinal cord damage this can have a negative effect on the brain and the spinal cord. The reason why is because the peripheral nervous system is a network of nerves that connects the brain and spinal cord to the entire body. A neuropathy disorder can affect the sensory nerves, motor nerves, and the anatomic nerves. In diseases like Parkinson’s the motor and sensory nerves are being affected. Unfortunately neuropathy is a very common disorder and between 25 to 30% of Americans have some type of neuropathy disorder. For diabetics between 60 to 70 percent have neuropathy disorders.
What Are The Best Supplements For Nerve Support
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