A Stress-Free Visit to a Skin Clinic


During the summer months, I normally get rashes on my skin. There was an occasion when the rashes had spread across my body from my legs to my upper back. I didn’t know if I was allergic to something or what caused the rashes. I decided to schedule an appointment with a health professional.


I went online and searched for dermatology sugar land and many search results came up with various clinics in the area. I was looking for a dermatologist that was between my house and work, in case I needed to drop by at a moment’s notice. I chose one and scheduled an appointment. I figured that it was time to get professional advice and get treated for my rashes. I arrived at the clinic and a friendly receptionist handed me over paperwork to fill out. After a few minutes, I completed the paperwork and waited for my turn. About thirty minutes later, I was escorted to the examination room where I met my dermatologist. The dermatologist looked over the paperwork I filled out about my allergies and any medications I may be taking. She says, “No allergies, huh? No medications either?” She then asked me when the rashes occurred if I had noticed that I was in the same area each time it would flare up.


I thought to myself that it was usually after jogging in the park. She went on further with her questions like a detective. She asked about any lotions I used and if I also used bug repellent. After the assessment, she asked me if I would agree to a few samples. I said to her, “Yes, anything that will help in finding out why I am getting these rashes!” A few moments later she said that we’ll have to wait on the test results of my samples. The dermatologist said that for the meantime she would prescribe a type of ointment that will help alleviate the redness and itchy sensation from the rashes. She then escorted me back to the receptionist and advised that we are to have a follow-up visit. I scheduled a date and time with the receptionist for my next visit. While the receptionist was entering my information on her computer, I noticed they also had a menu of other services offered. They offered facials and various laser treatments from hair to tattoo removal. They even offer massage services. It was amazing! They even had a spa in another section of their clinic.


This was my first time seeing a dermatologist. For some reason, I had it in my mind that dermatologists were people who were there to peel off my skin and study it. From the moment I walked in to the moment I left, I did not feel any sort of anxiety. In fact, it was like visiting a spa. They had décor that was relaxing, and the air smelled of light mint. They had a small waterfall by the waiting area and they played meditating-type of music. All-in-all it was a very enjoyable experience.